I cannot make a positive change in my life when I’m lying to myself about what I’m doing today that must change.
Selfish people are never satisfied because they can never fill up the void inside their hearts with more stuff.
to impact the lives you were born to impact with your words, you must learn how to market your book effectively.
You will train yourself to write every day, whether you feel like it or not, and this habit will pay you for the rest of your life.
Are you willing to give up an hour of television every night so you can write your book?
Every sentence must build your KLT factor (Know/Like/Trust) in your ideal reader’s heart.
“I can write powerfully no matter how little time is available.”
No matter how crazy a specific thought may feel in the moment, embrace it. Write it down.
As Ray Bradbury said in his challenge to write 52 bad stories in a row…
“It can’t be done.”
These 250 words will build KLT – Know, Like and Trust – in your ideal readers so they know your book is meant for them.