The Two-Minute Author Challenge Starts NOW!

Two-Minute Author Challenge

The trip down Publication Highway can be very lonely, at times, and filled with potholes and treacherous ditches at others.

As my way of helping our daily writing journey become a little more fun, a little more educational, and a little less lonely, for the next 100 days I’m running the Two-Minute Author Challenge – a short daily video where I’ll share a quote, briefly discuss the principle it embodies and offer a few tips on how to implement this principle into your life.

I’ll do this under the following headings:

  • Mindset Monday
  • Toolset Tuesday
  • Skillset Wednesday
  • Timeframe Thursday
  • Fear-Free Friday
  • Sell Your Books Saturday
  • Self-Improvement Sunday

And if you want to help me promote this Two-Minute Author Challenge, I host a monthly giveaway with an awesome grand prize. This month it’s a lifetime license to Publisher Rocket – the best keyword and category research tool for Amazon.

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