The Integrity Advantage: Earn Trust through Your Actions

People May Doubt What You Say But They Will Believe What You Do -Lewis Cass

People May Doubt What You Say But They Will Believe What You Do

-Lewis Cass

Integrity Matters

We all have doubters in our lives, usually because we’re imperfect people who let others down sometimes.

If we let the same people down too many times in a row, they stop believing anything we say.

Want to stop your detractors in their tracks?

Make a very public commitment and then keep your word.

Do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it, whether you feel like it or not.

For example, if you want to write a book, then set a public deadline for when you will complete your first draft.

Then work your butt off to meet that deadline.  When you do, you will give your detractors a reason to believe you again.

Is your dream to write and publish a book?

Do you know how to set a deadline for your first draft that you can keep easily?

It’s one of the keys to your book’s Roadmap for Success and I’ll show you just how easy this is.

Do you have a detailed Roadmap for Success for your book?

If not, join me for UNSTUCK: The Free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors.

Together, we’ll build a detailed Roadmap for Success tailored specifically for your life and the book you were born to write.

Sign up here:

UNSTUCK: a Free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors

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