You cannot change your reality if you think someone else is responsible for it.
-Gordana Biernat
Playing the blame game means you avoid taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and circumstances.
It’s a terrible plan to improve your life. It’s an even worse plan to finish and publish your book.
I am responsible for my success and for my failure.
Yes, I hope I learn from my failures, but success is simply way more fun.
The ditches along Publication Highway are littered with the rusted hulks of those who refused to do the work, refused to face hard truths that would explode the doors of possibility for them.
Is it annoying, especially in the beginning, to force myself to build a new, productive writing habit?
Absolutely! Resistance is at its highest in that moment.
But, through persistence and perseverance, I develop the habits that guarantee my success.
Do you struggle to “find” the time to write?
Then stop trying to “find” it and MAKE the time to write.
You, like me, spend your precious time on the people and the activities you value most.
Your time doesn't lie. Track it for a week and see, with absolute clarity, what you value, if only subconsciously. Share on XNo, not to beat yourself up, but so you can honestly assess what you value today so you can change it tomorrow.
If you know you need some help designing an author roadmap that fits the specific circumstances of your life, then join me for a single day where you and I will work together for a day so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success.
No more guessing.
No more uncertainty about the road ahead.