Making Time to Write: Overcoming Excuses on Publication Highway

Lack of direction - not lack of time - is the problem. We all have 24-hour days. --Zig Ziglar

Lack of direction – not lack of time – is the problem. We all have 24-hour days.

–Zig Ziglar

Do any of these excuses sound familiar?

“I’m too busy to write a book.”

“I don’t have time to write.”

“I don’t know what to write.”

“I can’t find the time to write.”

These are just a few of the lies we tell ourselves to procrastinate doing the one thing we know we must do: write our book

We make time for the things we value.

If it’s important, you’ll make the time to write your book.

That you’re not making the time means you don’t value your book enough.  You don’t value the process of writing your book enough.


Are you watching television instead of writing your book?  If yes, ask yourself these questions.

“Why is watching television more important than finishing my book?”

“Why is my book not important enough to schedule daily writing sessions?”

If any of this resonates for you, there’s a simple solution.

Book your free 30-minute “Turn My Dreams into Reality” clarity call with me today. We’ll dig down and uncover your why, and so much more.

Schedule your free 30-minute Turn My Dreams Into Reality Clarity Call at

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