The first principle is that you must not fool yourself–and you are the easiest person to fool.
-Richard Feyman
The only road open for me so I can make the impact I know I was born for, is through the high mountain pass of daily self-improvement.
I cannot make a positive change in my life when I'm lying to myself about what I'm doing today that must change. Share on XNeither can you.
Rigorous self-honesty is critical for your success and for mine.
This is a daily habit I must pursue with gratitude, love, joy, compassion and courage.
And it will take immense courage on some days, especially those days when I’m confronted with my shortcomings.
If I’m willing to be truly honest with myself, that’s every day.
Self-deception is a powerful psychological protection mechanism.
My mind, like yours, wants to keep you safe from every unpleasant thing, but it doesn’t differentiate between positive and negative intentions.
My mind defines “safe” as my comfort zone – that self-imposed prison where all my dreams go to die. Yours too.
If you allow your mind to keep you imprisoned in your comfort zone, you will never, ever make the impact in this world you know you were born for.
You literally can’t get there from here.
The path to a life of fulfilling impact on the lives of others is through deep, internal work on ourselves.
I can’t help you transform your life so you can make the impact you are born to make unless I’ve done this internal work myself.
This is probably the one case where I’ll use the word “impossible” to mean “not possible”.
Join me on this journey. It’s simple, but not easy, so just say “Yes and…” take the next step in your deeply personal journey to become the person you are meant to become.