Day 358: Fear or Regret: Which Will You Choose? Don’t Let Fear Destroy Your Dream to Publish Your Book

What’s it costing me to NOT do this right now?


If you want to write a book but haven’t yet, what’s the impact you want to make by writing your book?

What’s holding you back from starting or finishing it?

Is the impact you want to make not big enough? Or are you afraid of what you must change so you can make that impact?

Get to the bottom of these questions, and you’ll launch yourself down Publication Highway with joy, gratitude and courage.

There is a cost – emotional, intellectual, spiritual and/or financial – for not taking a step toward your vision for your life.

Because you haven’t finished and published your book yet – or worse, you haven’t even started – you live with regret every single day. You know you are meant for more, but something is keeping you stuck.

I know you don’t want to live with this ongoing regret. Nobody does.

So what is the fear that is more powerful in your mind than this growing mountain of daily regret?

James 2:17 emphasizes that we must act, even if we're afraid, if we want to make the impact we know we were born to make. Share on X

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Make a simple plan to move your book forward.

Implement that plan daily.

Revise your plan, as needed, but do one thing every day to move you closer to the finish line of Publication Highway.

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at

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