Day 356: Fan-Powered Marketing: How Authentic Relationships Boost Your Book Sales

The best marketing doesn’t come from you, it comes from your fans

-David Meerman Scott

How do you respond to a sales message from someone offering a product or service you know you need?

Are you enthusiastic?

Or do you have questions about them, their hype and whether their product will fulfill all their claims?

Now, how do you respond to that same sales message when someone you know, like and trust recommends that product that you know you need?

Totally different, right?

This is Proverbs 27:2 in action.

Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.”

Five-Star book reviews help with strangers to your world, but a review from a stranger is never as powerful as a friend who recommends your book.

So enroll your fans into your book marketing process.

The easiest way to enroll your raving fans is to build an authentic relationship with them - one reader at a time. Share on X

This delivers a massive benefit for you because the more they get to know you, the more they will open up about your book, how it helped them, and how they think it could be improved for even greater impact.

This is your book marketing gold.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so, together, we can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book.

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