Boost Your Writing Confidence: Create an Author Success Treasure Chest

Being afraid on the court means you're not confident of your skills. -Michael Jordan

Being afraid on the court means you’re not confident of your skills.

-Michael Jordan

Confidence is an essential element as you travel down Publication Highway.

One way to build your writing confidence is to reflect on your past accomplishments, your past successes.

Start an Author Success Treasure Chest a folder where you save every positive response you receive to your writing. Share on X

Use screen captures of every accolade you receive, no matter the source – emails, reviews on previous books or blog posts, even comments responding to some thought you shared on social media.

Capture anything that builds yours sense of pride as an author, anything that increases your confidence in your writing. You might even include a review or comment that wasn’t particularly pleasing, but that caused you to reflect and make a positive change in your life or your writing.

Use this treasure chest on those days where your Infernal Editor just won’t shut up; whenever that internal voice says, “You can’t write” or “You suck. Why don’t you just quit already” or any of the other lies your Infernal Editor will spew at you when it perceives weakness.

Not everything you write will be received with applause. On those occasions, use constructive feedback to improve your writing and your Author Success Mindset.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so, together, we can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book.
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