Invest in Yourself: The Path to Creating a Remarkable Life

Concentrate on making your life remarkable, instead of marketable. -Anonymous

Concentrate on making your life remarkable, instead of marketable.


Personal development is an essential element of living a fulfilled life so, today, let’s start with the end in mind.

Who must you become to attract your ideal reader? Share on X

When you invest time in your own personal growth every day, you can create the life you envisioned when the idea for your book first came into your mind.

Only after you do this important internal work can you become the person who makes the courageous decision to step out of your comfort zone, to take the actions that make your success inevitable.

Think about who you’re attracted to in your sphere of influence.

Is it the person who never takes a risk?

Or is it the individual who is confident, passionate and knowledgeable about your area of expertise?

If you’re already on this path, commit to making time for this work every single day.

If you’re new to this way of being, commit to doing the work required to become this ideal version of yourself today.

When you do, you’ll write in ways that resonate with your ideal reader at the deepest possible level.

This is how you turn readers into true fans, individuals who will not only buy every book you write, but encourage everyone they know to buy your books as well.

This is how you make the impact in this world that you know you were born to make.

It all starts with you.

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