What We Fear Doing Most Is Usually What We Most Need To Do
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Intentional living is the antidote to fear.
And because it slays fear so effectively, intentional living is your pathway to a life filled with meaning and significance.
Too many of us settle for less than we want in life because we believe a lie.
Perhaps the lie you believe today is that you don’t deserve an exceptional life because you are somehow broken or defective.
Perhaps the lie you believe today is that you’re unworthy of an exceptional life because of something heinous in your past.
Perhaps the lie you believe today is that you don’t know how to live an exceptional life.
If any of these thoughts smack you in the face like a dead fish, then you have one very simple question to answer.
What will I do about it?
The phrasing is of the question is important.
It’s not “what” am I going to do about it. It’s what “will” I do about it.
And when will I do that something?
The “what” may take a moment but it shouldn’t. You already know what to do. The thing you’re afraid of doing – for whatever reason.
The “when” is right now. Today.
From Fear to Freedom: Embrace the Power of Intentional Living Today Share on XTomorrow is a completely unacceptable answer.
Because “tomorrow” is that imaginary place where everything amazing happens.
It’s another lie.
Today is the day when great things happen because great people refuse to wait until tomorrow for the blessings they know they deserve.
When we focus on our fear of taking effective action instead of taking effective action, we steal the bright our future that we deserve, that is our destiny.
Fear cannot survive the flames of positive intent coupled with intentional action.
Need help? Let’s explore how you can make today your day to thrive.