Why 97% Fail to Write a Book: Two Crucial Steps to Ensure Your Success

There are only two rules for being successful - One - figure out exactly what you want to do and two - do it. -Mario Cuomo

There are only two rules for being successful.
One, figure out exactly what you want to do and two, do it.

-Mario Cuomo

Most things in life aren’t difficult.

Over 80% of North Americans say they want to write a book.

Only 3% ever accomplish that dream.

What holds us back isn’t that we can’t figure out what we want to do.

We know what we want to do.

What holds us back is our unwillingness to make a plan so we know how to do what’s required to achieve our dream.

And even if we’re brave enough to make a plan, we’re unwilling to follow through. We’re unwilling to work the plan through to completion.

So, if you want to write a book and what I’m saying resonates with you, I encourage you take the next step to turn your dream of writing a book into a published reality.

If you have a plan already…
• Recommit to working the plan daily
• Even 15 minutes is enough time to get words on the page

But if you don’t have a Roadmap for Success yet, join me Monday, August 8th at 10am, for

UNSTUCK: a free 5-day live workshop for Christian non-fiction authors

And design your personalized Roadmap for Success so you can write and publish your non-fiction book this year.


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