Transcending Trauma: Kahlil Gibran’s Wisdom on Finding Joy in Sorrow

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

-Kahlil Gibran

To feel the mountaintop of joy we must do the internal work required to feel – profoundly feel – the darkest depths of despair caused by the most emotionally excruciating moments of our life.

While it’s unpleasant to delve into our past trauma(s), it’s necessary to free ourselves from the emotional prison we keep ourselves locked in today.

Through this work, I discovered that the tools I used to survive the nightmare of my childhood are the same tools that allowed me to thrive working with actors in the movie industry and with the authors I work with today.

The skills that allowed you to survive then are the same skills you use to thrive today.

Even if you don’t realize it.

I sure didn’t.

Yes, I somehow knew how to instantly assess someone’s emotional state and become what they needed me to be in that moment, but I couldn’t explain how.

Through the grace of an amazing coach, I did the deep work to finally see the truth of how my past affected my present.

In that instant, all the anger, hatred and pain melted away, leaving me with a peace I never knew existed.

Romans 5:3-4: “we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

What suffering did you experience and how did that shape who you are today? Share on X
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