The Joy of Writing: Discovering Your True Purpose as an Author

When I’m writing I know I’m doing the thing I was born to do. -Anne Sexton

When I’m writing I know I’m doing the thing I was born to do.

-Anne Sexton

If you’re like me, you completely relate to Anne Sexton’s quote.

I’m my happiest when I’m writing.  It truly is the thing I was born to do.

If you’re watching this video, I can only assume that’s true for you, too.

That doesn’t mean every day of writing feels amazing.

It simply means I know I’m doing the thing I was born to do so I can make the impact I want to make.

A positive mental attitude is essential to my success.

It’s essential to yours, too.

It’s my responsibility to guard my mental health and my thoughts against the negativity can, far too easily, seep in and destroy my peace of mind.

Should negativity seep into your mind while writing, remember that you control your thoughts, they don't control you. Share on X

To reset, focus on what you’re grateful for. 

It’s impossible to be negative and grateful at the same time, which makes this a powerful antidote to negativity that’s based in fear, shame or self-doubt – sometimes all three.

The next time your mindset takes a turn for the worse, challenge yourself to snap out of it immediately using gratitude.

What are you grateful for in that moment?

How can you express that gratitude to someone else?

We have a choice.

We can control our thoughts.

Or we can allow our thoughts to control us.

Use your Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) to be the master of your life, not the slave of your negative thoughts.

You’ll be far happier, and far more productive as well.

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