Marketing Starts Even Before Our Book is Published
-Heather Hart
As scary as this quote may feel to you, it’s The Truth.
Just like it’s never too soon to begin preparing for a new child, it’s never too soon to begin marketing your book.
When you start marketing your book while you’re still writing it, you infuse every marketing effort with excitement, power and joy because the creative process is filled with excitement, power and joy.
Start with your book cover art. This is the single, most important piece of marketing materials you need.
The moment you have the idea for your book locked down, hire a professional book designer to build your book cover.
As soon as you hire your cover designer, begin working on your back cover blurb copy. This is “only” 250 words, but these are, I will argue, the most important 250 words you will ever write for your book.
These 250 words will build KLT - Know, Like and Trust - in your ideal readers so they know your book is meant for them. Share on XAs soon as you have your cover art in hand, and your back cover blurb is written, put your book up for presale on Amazon and any other online book retailers you choose.
Set your price enticingly low so that you can get as many presale orders as possible.
Use your back cover blurb as your book marketing copy until you write the longer copy you will eventually need in this space.
The moment you’re happy with your book marketing copy, that longer piece that explains, in detail, the benefits your reader will receive when they buy your book, replace your back cover copy with your longer book marketing copy.
And keep honing it and testing it to make sure you attract the right readers for your book – the individuals who are most likely to buy your book, most likely to read your book, and most likely to be transformed by your book.