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A 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success

In this one-day intensive workshop we will design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success so you can turn your dream of writing a book into your published reality in 2023.

The Roadmap for Author Success VIP Experience is perfect for you if…

You want to unlock your hidden

and you know you need a guide to assist you as you navigate all the twists and turns of Publication Highway, and you know accountability helps you succeed.


If you have any questions, I encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute Zoom call with me to make sure the Roadmap for Author Success VIP Experience is for you.

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Your V.I.P. Experience

How Long Will This Experience Last?

Your V.I.P. Experience consists of five sessions with breaks for refreshments and snacks, as needed.

Please schedule 6 hours for your V.I.P. Experience.

We may complete your Roadmap for Author Success in a little less time, or it may take a little longer. The more prepared you are for the experience, the easier and more beneficial the experience will be for us both.


If you have any questions, I encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute Zoom call with me to make sure the Roadmap for Author Success VIP Experience is for you.

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Session 1:

The Mindset Monday Success Sheet:

Your Certificate of Commitment:

Your What is My Writing Why? Success Sheet

A calm mind is essential for writing success

Where do I Spend My Time Now? Success Sheet

Just $497 for a limited time

Session 2:

The 7 Types of Non-Fiction Books

How Long Should Your Book Be?

What is an Outline and Why do I Need One?

The 7 Primary Types of Book Content

Manuscript Math: What’s Your Number?

Just $497 for a limited time

Session 3:

Honing Your Writing Talents into the Mighty Skills You Deserve

How to improve your writing skills in 90 minutes a day without writing a word

Mindset Matters

Personal Integrity and Writing

Just $497 for a limited time

Session 4:

The Power of Deadlines

The Importance of Boundaries to Protect Your Writing Sessions

Just $497 for a limited time

Session 5:


If you have any questions, I encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute Zoom call with me to make sure the Roadmap for Author Success VIP Experience is for you.

insert_linkSchedule your free 15-minute Zoom call now
Just $497 for a limited time