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I Don’t Have Time To Write And Other Lies Writers Tell Themselves

Stop Lying To Yourself

In this installment of the Author Success Foundations series, I dissect seven lies writers tell ourselves and shine the light of truth upon each one.

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About the Book

Stop Lying To Yourself

In this installment of the Author Success Foundations series, I dissect seven lies writers tell ourselves and shine the light of truth upon each one.

Every falsehood obscures a truth we refuse to confront. The job of a writer, any writer, is to face our fears head on, protected by the body armor of honesty and integrity. Only then does the brilliance we etch on the page shine bright for the world to see.

Each delusion corrodes holes in our armor, holes the insidious demons of worry, self-doubt, procrastination and perfectionism slip through to poison us.

The Author Success Foundations series provides the tools and materials to patch those holes, to reinforce and strengthen our armor. The day of battle is here, and we must march ever forward. If we stop, even for a moment, our words shrink under the oppressive heat of our fears and we fail.

Step inside. Face your fears. Show these pathetic demons you cannot be cowed.

Own your internal dialog and reshape it into a powerful engine, then use that power to drive down Publication Highway.

The Author Success Foundations Series

  • Awaken Your Author Mindset: Finish Writing Your Book Fast
  • Design Your Morning Routine: Jump-Start Your Writing Success
  • Author Focus: Develop Your Author Vision Statement and Laser-Focus Your Writing Career
  • Prolific Author: The Step-by-Step Guide to Write More Words in Less Time and Finish Your Book Fast
  • Done is Better than Perfect: 7 Keys to Finish Writing Your Book Fast
  • Become Unstoppable: 7 Habits of Highly Successful Authors
  • I Don’t Have Time To Write And Other Lies Writers Tell Themselves
Author: Christopher di Armani
Series: Author Success Foundations, Book 7
Genre: Writing
Publisher: Botanie Valley Productions Inc.
Publication Year: 2018
Format: Paperback, eBook
ISBN: 9781988938134
List Price: 9.99
eBook Price: 2.99
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I Don’t Have Time To Write And Other Lies Writers Tell Themselves
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